Accurately what is bleeding during pregnancy? I need to know

Symptoms abnormal while pregnant, anyone do not want to occur, right? Especially if hemorrhage while pregnant. The mom is more shocked because the fetus is dangerous to calm before it because the bleeding during pregnancy is both dangerous and harmless to children. But to know how to look at the six causes of this symptom at the vessel com collected to leave it.

1. Caused by embryo implantation. To drill down the uterus, and then to the capillaries. The blood vessels tear blood vessels. The blood flowing rashly red with no belly pain. Approximately 3 several weeks after the last monthly time period. This sign is not harmful and is a sign that you're pregnant. You are a mother to me.

2. Brought on by vaginal infections. Credited to hormonal changes. Have got a higher sex body hormone. Make more vaginal launch. This causes the vaginal canal to be damp. And may infect inflammation. Blood moving out. But no damage to the little one out of the tummy.

3. Due to abortion. Symptoms are common throughout the first 3 months of being pregnant. There will be a lot of blood in the stomach with belly pain. And symptoms will intensify until hemorrhage. If perhaps this is suspicious, you must immediately see the doctor. To treat and prevent urgent. The baby in the womb will be safe.

4. Brought on by the wind. This is a disorder of pregnancy. Found in the first 3 months, which is the same as the pregnancy. Is a morning sickness Nausea, nausea or vomiting, breast cancer. You will find no children or eggs do not grow into your child. It contributes to abortion itself naturally. Make a hemorrhage vagina. And belly pain before the blood will come out with it.

5. Caused by low lying down. Usually occurs in the last quarter of pregnant state or prenatal is the placenta to the lower part of the womb. Close to the cervix or the uterus. Trigger bleeding in the genitals. Blood commences to move a bit to the circulation. If not treated quickly. The uterus will cause the cervix to open up. Hemorrhage or premature delivery.

6. Out of the uterus. Is the embryo not embedded in the uterus. But for be buried outside the womb, such as in the fallopian tubes. This time, when the embryo expands. The organs can not support the size. The stomach pain is very painful, periodic bleeding in the abdomen to the pressure under the diaphragm, creating pain after low pressure dizziness. Very genital bleeding Abortion and bloodstream loss may occur. Although do not panic. Mainly because the stomach outside the uterus is very exceptional. Good if bleeding during pregnancy. Should go to find the doctor as soon as possible.

Understand the reason for bleeding during pregnancy. Local bleeding should not be calm. Not any matter how much blood loss, you must rush to the doctor as soon as possible. For the safety of your mom and baby in my pregnancy.

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