LOL=> The world's fastest tire change

I'm seeking for the fastest tire change like formula one and see this though this is really fastest tire change after look at the video, it's not. I would agree with this is very fast compare with me, I would spend an hour LOL to change, normally I have never do that

This is quick but not fastest, im tyremechanic myself at same company, and i often do same setup (steel rims and nuts) in about 10-15sec faster, without counting lowering and lifting car, because we do it wastehigh but we use momentum-rod that tightens it to right amount of torque, so it slowers me a bit but after using it car can be lowered and droven away. And I would recommend to do it yourself before underestimating this mechanic, i'll bet you wont be as fast as he is even after 5 tries.

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